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Share Market
Online / Distance

Share Market

  • Lifetime
  • Online/Offline
  • ₹ 25000

What is PMS? Imagine having a team of financial experts managing your investments, constantly analyzing the market, and making informed decisions to maximize your returns while minimizing risk. That's exactly what Portfolio Management Services (PMS) offer! Types of PMS: Active Management: Like a skilled investor, your portfolio manager actively buys and sells securities to outperform the market, aiming for higher returns with potentially higher risk. Passive Management: This strategy focuses on mirroring the market through index funds, offering steady long-term growth with lower fees and risk. Discretionary Management: The manager takes complete control, choosing investments based on your agreed-upon risk tolerance and goals. Non-Discretionary Management: You receive expert advice and suggestions, but make the final investment decisions yourself. Benefits of PMS: Expert Guidance: No more navigating the investment world alone! Professionals with deep market knowledge manage your portfolio, making informed decisions based on research and analysis. Personalized Plans: Your PMS is tailored to your unique needs, considering your income, risk tolerance, and goals. Efficient Risk Management: Diversification across asset classes helps mitigate risk and protect your investments from market fluctuations. Regular Monitoring: Your portfolio is constantly monitored, and adjustments are made as needed to stay on track with your goals. Peace of Mind: Sit back, relax, and let the experts handle the heavy lifting, knowing your investments are in good hands. Who should consider PMS? High Net-worth Individuals: If you have significant investible assets, PMS can offer personalized attention and strategies suited to your larger portfolio. Limited Investment Knowledge: New to investing or unsure how to navigate the market? PMS provides professional guidance and expertise. Time Constraints: Busy schedules can make managing investments challenging. PMS takes care of everything, freeing up your time. Market Volatility Concerns: Uncertain about market fluctuations and protecting your investments? PMS helps you navigate these challenges. Diversification Goals: Seeking to spread your investments across different asset classes for broader exposure and risk management? PMS can help you achieve this. Remember: PMS may not be suitable for everyone, and fees can be involved. Conduct thorough research and consult a financial advisor before making any decisions.

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Remember: PMS may not be suitable for everyone, and fees can be involved. Conduct thorough research and consult a financial advisor before making any decisions.

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